April 12, 2010

Word Of Mouth

The great thing about sharing my work online is the audience and their reactions. I love getting positive feedback on my work, but what I love even more is the flow-on effect it can have! After Lily Grace's session, which featured on Facebook, I had a few enquiries from friends of friends and 2 weeks ago one of those enquiry turned into a booking.

I met Luke at just 4 weeks of age, and he's a pretty cute little man. His Mum and Dad are very proud and I like to think I was able to capture a little innocence before he gets stuck into bugs, dirt and footy. Thanks for letting me feature some shots here, and fingers crossed the word might spread even further!

Luke 7

Luke 13

Luke 12

Luke 11

Luke 9

Luke 1

Luke 3
Reading #FrenchSafari: Word Of MouthTweet this!

1 comment:

  1. omg he is such a heart stopper. kids are surely a bundle of joy. great post....
