November 12, 2009

Carte Postale


Once upon a time, I had an income. Mostly it was a tiny little wage from some big scary corporate, but every now and then people would let me do fun things, and then pay me for it. Those fun things became Urban Safari. For government/student relations, I had to put a hold on that while I was away, but it hasn't stopped me having fun. I've really gotten into photography and it's changed my direction a little.

After my first thousand or so photos, with them all sitting quietly on my hard drive, I thought it would be nice to, you know, print them. As my grandmother told me, she can't take the computer to bridge to show the girls my photos - she needed real ones. Long story short - the postcards I could buy from tourist spots were (in my opinion) not that nice, and I had some good shots I wanted to show off share. Enter Moo - problem solved! Real, sturdy photos, with space to write on the back and put your stamp and plenty of room for your photos!

I chose a few pics from my first month abroad, made 20 postcards, and sent some home. The others were a bit mediocre, and I still have them under some dust somewhere. But since then, there have been thousands more photos taken, and now I have some favourites. So I've made some more postcards, added a new name and some decorations - and they're on their way in 5-15 business days! And because I want to thank all 7 of you who read my blog, you can even view the set here.


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