This is me:
Well, it was me. Ok... it was the idea I had of myself a month ago in Spain. Maybe this will explain why...
The confetti from the parade was still stuck between the cobblestones. The sun bore down on the street, and she shielded her eyes from the glare.
"Let's find some shade," she said.
They walked up by the cathedral, through the narrow lanes behind it and came out at the mirador. The view over the valley was incredible, but it was the path that lead down the cliff face that had their attention.
They wound their way down, and came to a well-worn patch of earth that afforded the real money-shot - the Puente Nuevo, one of Spain's most photographed landmarks.
Our adventurers were thirsty, but it wasn't for water. The remains of a building lay scattered where they stood, a sign of something from the past, something more that once existed. Their curiosity piqued, they took another path which led further down, into the bushes.
The cliff face rose up on their right, and the trees began to filter out the light and a little of the heat. Pushing branches aside, they were drawn deeper into the undergrowth, until the scene took on a new character altogether.
The sound of running water came from beneath, and could be seen flowing through holes in the cliff and under their feet.
The girl was busy working out how to expose for the conditions, but she smiled when she heard him. Her feet were already dirty, and another path beckoned them to continue further.
There were signs of something here too - ageing concrete and bricks and plaster were engulfed by the foliage, but still visible.
"What is this place?" The question remained unspoken but it wasn't long until they had their answer...

Fighting thoughts of crazed homeless Spanish men, she stepped down and into an archyway. The stairs were met by the earth, sloping down into a large room. From where they stood, they could see ancient paint peeling from the walls, and leaves littering the floor.
Somewhere in her mind, she was disappointed not to be the first one to discover this place. Plenty of other delinquents had strayed from the path, and left their marks in this room. She noticed the chute, the same hole she'd look down in only minutes earlier. She heard a rustle behind her, and her heart jumped into her throat."This is exactly like Resident Evil," he said, as he took in the surrounds.
It was less scary with the two of them in there, far less chance of being attacked by zombies. She felt a small seed of bravery implant itself in her stomach. This is certainly not what I expected when I got up this morning, she thought. The aspiring photographer inside made her step out on the ledge and peer around the crumbling walls. It was dark, darker than the pictures would later portray, but not impossible.
Oooh very 'Romancing the Stone' Katie