It was ZERO degrees when I went for a walk this morning. That's quite chilly where I'm from. I was thinking about all the Christmasy things that don't make sense at home - snowmen, hot pudding, fireplaces... but now they DO! It's cold and frosty and all I want is a roaring fire and some cocoa and snow! Lots of snow! I've instructed my Swedish friends, whom I'll be spending Christmas with, to make sure there is plenty for my arrival next week.

Tonight I'm making Mulled Apple Cider, in celebration of my LAST DAY OF UNIVERSITY. Yes, after 7 years, it's about time I had something to say for myself. I haven't officially graduated, but I had my last class, and have just two papers to hand up and I'm done!
So here we are, Kate and Katie, on our last day of school, in front of our French University. It's exactly 2 weeks till 25 December and it's beginning to look a lot like... Christmas!
Reading #FrenchSafari: Baby, It's Cold OutsideTweet this!
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