August 16, 2010

We've Moved

Please update your Follows/Readers/etc to and come check out the new site.

August 13, 2010

Moving Again

You might have noticed a little absence lately.

I have been neglecting my French Safari because frankly, I'm no longer in France and things are changing around here. They are un-French, and new Safaris are in the making.

I sat down with the Board (myself) and we had a Strategic Planning Meeting (chai latte and a sketchbook). We decided to take things in a new direction, which I will announce shortly. Something that will be home to all my creative pursuits, inspirations, ramblings and dreams.

If you're interested in following along, please check back after the weekend for the links to The New Safari.

July 11, 2010

More Puppy Love

Here are some more shots of Keidis, and then the newest pup on the block, Ruby. There is so much cuteness here it makes me a bit ill.









I'm for dogs.

June 29, 2010

Puppy ♥

i heart faces: pets week

A couple of weekends ago (when the sun still existed) I spent a few hours rolling about on the grass with this gorgeous ball of fur. Keidis is a Bernese Mountain Dog, so he'll grow up to be HUGE in no time at all. Reminds me of my Alaskan Malamute as a pup, massive feet and head!


Today & Tomorrow

It's a horrible rainy day in Adelaide today. I watched a tree fall onto moving car as I walked to work, stopped to call 000 and thanked whomever for it not being my car. When I got to work I confirmed my flight to Queensland for tomorrow morning. I don't even care that it's at 6.05am.

Just another rainy day
Flickr Member: Rui Palha

Palm walk
Flickr Member: Boggy C